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Syntax Quiz


1. What is the case and number of "semina" on line 9?

A)  nominative, singular

B)  ablative, plural

C)  dative, singular

D)  accusative, plural

2. What is the case of "nullus" on line 10?

A)  ablative

B)  dative

C)  nominative

D)  none of the above

3. What word does "nullus" go with?

A)  mundo

B)  lumina

C)  Titan

D)  A and B

4. What poetic device is being used with nullus and the answer to the above question?

A)  Synchysis

B)  Anaphora

C)  Alliteration

D)  Hyperbaton

5. What is the case and number of "bracchia" on line 13?

A)  dative, singular

B)  nominative, singular

C)  accusative, plural

D)  None of the above

6. What are the principal parts of "porrexerat" on line 14?

A)  Porrere, porreui, porrexitus

B)  Porrigo, porrigere, porrexi, porrectus

C)  Porrare, porari, porrexitus

D)  Porto, portare, porrexi, porrectus

7. What is the case, number, and gender of "hanc" line 21?

A)  Accusative, singular, feminine

B)  Dative, singular, feminine

C)  Accusative, singular, masculine

D)  Ablative, singular, feminine

8. What tense is "ligavit" on line 25?

A)  Imperfect

B)  Present

C)  Subjunctive

D)  Perfect

9. What is the gender of "piscibus" on line 74?

A)  Feminine

B)  Neuter

C)  Masculine

D)  No gender

10. Is the word "natus" on line 78 a participle?

A)  No, it is actually subjunctive

B)  Yes, it is a PPP

C)  No, it is indicative

D)  No, it is an adjective

Key: 1-D, 2-C, 3-C, 4-D, 5-C, 6-B, 7-A, 8-D, 9-C, 10-B

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